I want to throw a quick HELLO out for you newest sweet readers! I've really been enjoying your comments and checking out your blogs. I'm so glad you're here!
Andrew and I recently did a show and we have a few prints left over from it and I wanted to extend the offer to you guys! These haven't been put up for sale yet so apart from some locals you guys are getting the first shot at them. Here they are in all of their Fox & Owl glory:
Now for the d-d-d-details. Each photo has already been printed in an 8x10 matte finish. The cost is $15. If you're interested leave me a comment below and I'll create a special etsy listing for you and we'll get it all squared away and in the mail for you! Thanks for sharing this with me!
xo Shannon
holy moses! that last picture is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wowowowowowoowowwoowwow! i might need to save some money and get that!
I'll save it for you if you'd like! :]
Those are beautiful! Good luck with your sales. I especially love the mountains and the night sky.
Oh my gosh, the one of the night sky is breath-taking! You're so talented!
These are AMAZING! The blurry photo of the trees is so pretty, I love the colors in the photo of the building, and the night sky is absolutely magical. Lovelovelove!!
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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S