Tuesday, August 21


It has officially begun to feel like Fall in our Mountains. It's my favorite season and I like to find a way to welcome it every year. Usually in different small ways but this year I want to feel like the leaves are changing around me and be in the middle of all the magic. This year I need to be on a ridge I love drinking it in.

We had a fire in the back yard last night with a couple of friends. We left the windows open. When I got up this morning it was cold in the house. Just not the Summer cold, the Fall cold.  So I perked some coffee, of course. Cold house, warm coffee. Cold hands, warm heart.

I haven't been to this space in quite a while. But I'd like to change that. And the way I use this space will be a little different too.

Lately Andrew and I have been up to all kinds of wandering. Wanderlust struck early this year and we've had our camera in tow. I've been working on bringing our personal life into F&O. Even though it's our business, it's based on our love story. Our love story is in our hearts. So is photography. And we tell stories by making pictures. So it all comes full circle and I think it's a grand step.

Most of these images are coming from our facebook page but they show how we've been wanderlusting and spending our time lately.

Celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary between the apple trees in our back yard.
From this photo up, celebrating my 26th year. In our mountains, of course.
Andrew taught me how to rock hop on this day. He said I was brave, but sometimes even when I'm brave, I need him to hold my hand. ♥
Late night walks with Little Bear.
There will be more adventures to come. Right now I'm savoring every moment with him and our little animal family. I think this might be the best Fall season yet!

What have you been up to lately?
xo Shannon


sweet harvest moon said...

Can I visit you guys someday?
It sounds absolutely wonderful to spend your time like this!

Such cute pictures of you both :)

I can't wait for Fall, my favorite season too

Sara x

Sara said...

I love when you are here to share. These photos so wonderfully capture the beautiful relationship you and Andrew appear to share and I love browsing through them and thinking of adventures of our own.

I've been busy preparing for baby and taking care of business but I really think me and E need to get out into the woods soon.

shannon*bear said...

@Sara, You can come visit any time :] We'll make smores in the back yard.

@Sara, thanks for the welcome back :] you're looking great, Momma!

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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S