Tuesday, August 2

August Break | Photography

Have you heard of the August Break yet? Susannah is the brilliant mind behind it and it sounds pretty freaking awesome to me. All you do is take a photo (or a few) each day of August and post it! It works out GREAT for WW users too, you just include it in your WW post. So rad! So here is my kick off for the August Break!

A lot of you sweet friends have asked for more photos of Daisy - here is what we did yesterday!

This reminds me of Cat Steven's song Wild World, kind of awesome!

Have I mentioned that it's my birthday month? I'm going to be 25!! So excited! Leave me links to your August Break posts if you do them, I wanna see! 

Oh, PS: Any doggie potty training tips you have to offer would be SO appreciated! I feel a little lost... wah wah. 
xo Shannon & Daisy Bear


cb said...

she is just the cutest thing ever! i wish i could pet her, her coat looks so soft! i love the last picture of her, she looks tuckered out!


Amylou said...

She is precious! so sweet!
potty training? basically we did no potty pads. I just think they are bad news bears. Took her out every 30 minutes to and hour in the back yard.
And treats for going outside!

freaked out 'n small said...

You're simply killing me with the cute! I'm so happy you three are together now! )

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