I thought it might be fun to do a post that lets you into my world a little more. Just a fun way to get to know me better! I was on my 2nd cup of coffee and thought man this is a guilty pleasure and BAM, I thought oooh what a fun post that would make! So here are 5 of my favorite guilty pleasures!
1. I love to watch Say Yes to the Dress. I don't quite get the whole wedding dress obsession but, somehow I absolutely love love love that show. You know what, add any kind of cake decoration show to this one. I can't get enough of those either.
2. Having 3 cups of coffee in the morning! Usually I'll just have one cup and make it last, but recently it's totally been at least 3.
3. Using my camera phone rather than my dslr! As a photographer that feels like a total guilty pleasure. But, I can't get over playing with all of the settings in the apps that I've downloaded. SO fun!
4. Having chocolate for breakfast. Enough said.
5. Laughing at/about tourists. This one sounds unkind, but it's not really. Mostly I get tickled when they're dressed super crazy or if they're obviously lost (which is when I ask if they need directions and they look at me relieved and walk away inevitably thinking, "Southerners sure are nice") or if they're REALLY obnoxious. The last one is when the mocking ensues. Usually it's obvious mocking. That however, has become a sport in my wee mountain town because after the winter - which is like, our only tourist free time - they come flocking in like they own the place and no one here takes very kindly to that.
*Bonus* 6. Making out with Andrew. Everywhere. I think we really dig being that couple ;-)
Do you have any favorite guilty pleasures? I'd love to hear about them! Happy Tuesday!
xo S
Haha, you can go on with telling some facts about you, because I tagged you with a blog award - it's on my blog wall. :)
Coffee, oh my. Coffee can make me so happy, too. :)
This is an incredible photo of you Shannon! LOVE IT! My biggest guilty pleasure, besides the obvious one you noted, coffee; is walking/jogging in rain and thunder storms. Absolutely amazing!
Haha, well, mine is a bit weird one but it is a pleasure for me - I like sniffing my boyfriends cheek everywhere :P I mean like to bury my nose in his cheek! I love it so much, he doesn't at all :-P
i love your writing voice hehe! it's so funny! and chocolate for breakfast is my big guilty pleasure too. i also eat cake for breakfast. my way of getting over it is knowing i'll walk it off on the way to work!
I have so many guilty pleasures, I've stopped feeling guilty about them :)
I do, however, love me more than a little ABBA, drink 2 very large latte bowls (yes, bowls) of coffee every morning, eat chocolate croissants nearly every morning, and mock tourisits-Philadelphia is choxk full of 'em!
love that picture of you! that's a really pretty color of nail polish too, what brand is it? :]
Haha, well, mine is a bit weird one but it is a pleasure for me - I like sniffing my boyfriends cheek everywhere :P I mean like to bury my nose in his cheek! I love it so much, he doesn't at all :-P
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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S