Friday, September 30

Fill-in Friday

My current obsession is catching the Autumn light.

Quality time makes me happy.

My greatest strength is erm... my coffee drinking ability? It feels narcissistic to answer this one.

My greatest weakness is allowing the caffeine to effect me. Cause I'm telling you, at this point in my life I only drink coffee for taste ;-)

My life is full of color and light.

In High School I was  a floater. I hung out with a lot of different kinds of people.

When I'm super tired it's not cute. I get really into a really crappy mood and little things set me off. I like sleep it keeps me pretty and not-crappy.

I have a little announcement to make! I did a guest post on Amy Lou's blog! You can check it out here. Here is a hint: Daisy is the star of the post!

xo Shannon


Amylou said...

Yay for Autumn light! It's the prettiest!

Thanks again for your awesome guest post!

Jessica Martinez said...

I'm a friend of Amylou's and I LOVE YOUR BLOG. So yeah...I'm a new follower. BTW, Daisy is sooo cute. Like you didn't know that already. ;)

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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S