Tuesday, August 9

T-minus 6 Days

I am going to be 25 in 6 days. Whoa! I love birthdays, they make me so happy! And I love that I'm going to be 25! I've been asked over and over what I want for my birthday so I'm blogging about it! A visual list is always WAY more fun than a regular one.

I'd LOVE to have Mr. Beaumont from Cristie's shop! I love her blog, she just tickles me and I was so excited when she put this illustration up!

This embroidery kit from Kam's shop. I think it's pretty perfect for Andrew and I!

I love Moorea's gypsy crowns! She just made a few new ones and this one is so beautiful!

A Canon AE-1 35mm camera! This speaks to my photographer heart!

A Holga toy camera, I've been drooling over these little babies for a while!

This dress from My Girl Thursday!! It's so simple and cute, I'd love to wear it with floral tights and a cute little cardigan!

The Habbit shoes from Blowfish - SO cute and they get me feeling ready for Autumn! Size 8 please ;-)

The ULTIMATE present that will stay on my list until I acquire one somehow, is a Canon 7D!

There we go! That's a pretty great list, I think! Thanks for sharing this with me!
xo Shannon


cb said...

happy early birthday sweet pea!! 25 was a good year, so i wish you all the happiness <3 i love that embroidery kit. i thought she also had a camping one, but i could totally be wrong. but i love the thermos, so so cute!

freaked out 'n small said...

Hmmmm...maybe that explains why we have similar tastes! We're both Leos! So you're the 15th? I'm the 18th! We're only a couple days apart (don't mind the nine or so years in between)! Here's hoping you get everything you wish for! ♥
ps thank you so much for the ever so sweet comment you left on my blog the other day. It meant more than you know :)

Mallory said...

I hope you have the happiest of birthdays! I LOVE MY HOLGA. Let me just put that out there now. I would suggest getting one with a built in flash...just opens up more picture opportunities for you. I just recently shot my first roll of 120. Turned out uh-maz-ingly. But you can hack yours to take 35mm so it's a little more cost effective. I've discovered some cool techniques if you're ever looking for something new!

Sweet Harvest Moon said...

I love the painting and the AE Canon, i wish it was my birthday too :p

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