Monday, August 29

Husdon's Bay Inspiration

Can we talk about how Fall is right around the blooming corner?

Let me say that again: Fall is almost HERE!

Have I mentioned that it's my favorite? Summer is such drudgery and it goes on f.o.r.e.v.e.r. And Fall is like the relief and awakening from a fever dream. <--Whoa, deep.

So I was looking around our house for my Hudson's Bay blanket, okay my Dad's blanket...., it's blue and cozy and heavy, and wool, and smells like Fall. That led me to the Hudson's Bay rabbit hole. If you've never been down one, I'll show you what it looks like.
all images taken from google

Sigh. I may or may not be obsessed with these colors for Fall this year. What are you loving for your Fall experience?
xo Shannon


cb said...

me like too!!!! love the blanket so so much, i want to wrap myself up in it and snuggle all day long :)

Carmila Ponycat said...

I feel the same way! Can't wait for fall, and I would like to welcome it with the coat from the second picture please *_*
Thank you for your nice comment in ponycat I hope you do re-dye your hair pink and show us a picture! :D
Have a great day!
-Sandra Ponycat

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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S