Tuesday, January 31

Later Days January

And so we bid farewell to lovely January. I've decided to try and include a monthly wrap up post in order to highlight moments from the month. It's a great way to look back and see what all has happened and how the month went! I've also asked my sponsors to include a little note about their monthly wrap up to share with you all. Hooray!

Here are a few of my favorite January posts (click on the photo):

Looove those posts! And here is an update from my wee sponsors!

From Pocky:
When I first kicked off the new year sharing some secrets, I had no clue how great things would've gone this month. It's definitely been a great way to kick off my new adventures & I can't wait to see what else is in store for the future. I've got some great things lined up for February, including another DIY that I'm really excited about & planning a blog party to celebrate my very first blogiversary. I'd really love for you to join me in the celebration!

From Gentri Lee:
January was full of craziness! At the last minute I decided to take some classes I've been looking at for over a year. So within a two week time frame I signed up for the classes, moved 400 miles, and found myself taking a huge leap of faith. I'm excited to see what is in store for the rest of the year!
some of my favorite posts include- The day I moved  ,the post about when I went with Megan from and here's to you Mrs. Robinson to a very special dance concert  ,and the post when I announced my big move and new hair.

xo Shannon

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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S