Tuesday, October 4

Welcome October

Oh, hello October. I didn't realize you'd be here so quickly. What the what? Can you believe it's already October? I have a few wee goals to for this month. I like to share them with you guys so I can hold myself accountable. And it's fun to find out if anyone else has October/Autumn goals.

1- Get the gallery up in Panacea: Yup. That's right! I've been working diligently for the past few months to get ready for our gallery! It's our very first one and I'm so excited about it I can't see straight! But once it's up, I want to take the time to savor it. I want to watch people check out our stuff and enjoy our hard work!

2- Make this birthday the best for Andrew: He's going to be 26 this year! We had a grand time celebrating him last year and I'm hoping this year will be even better!

3- Learn a new Photoshop skill each week: I've been doing pretty well with learning my way around Photoshop. Now I want to dive deeper and learn some fun formatting! Anyone have any suggestions for sites to try?

4- Wanderlust time with Andrew: Going on adventures is one of our favorite things. We've been too busy to do much adventuring lately but the Autumn Wanderlust is upon us and we want to drink it in. I'm hoping for some Fall camping and maybe some Fall travel into the bargain.

What are some of your October goals? I love setting goals and being able to cross them of my list when I reach them. So fun! Oh and uh, have you seen my new shiny sponsors? Cause they're pretty freaking rad, if I say so myself! Take a looksee and do some following because they are SO worth it!

xo Shannon


Lariats and Lavender said...

I love monthly/seasonal goal lists!!! We've already crossed two off our list, which was having our traditional Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks and picking out some carving pumpkins and pumpkins to make nommy food out of! ^_^

Katie - Hazel & Mare said...

This sounds like a wonderful month ahead of you! I am so happy it is here too :) Looking forward to halloween costume making and leaf crunching and pumpkin pie eating!

Marlee Bourey said...

So, um...you know...any chance that wanderlust could lead you to explore another awesome little town where that best friend of yours happens to live? Just wondering...:D

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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S