Wednesday, March 2

Day 2

Happy March, since I forgot yesterday! Today is Day 2! The prompt for today was to share a few things that you're good at. This one was tough for me, sometimes it's hard to think of things you're good at - especially when it is for something like this! My list is silly, honest and to the point for today. I used an old government envelope, some sequins, masking tape, and an old ledger page.

The text is a bit hard to read so here is what it says:
*Hugging & Fist pounds
*Being silly
*Being sarcastic
*Picking the perfect daisy
*Loving Andrew
*Driving my Bronco
*Wearing dresses
*Talking & laughing
*Confrintation <-- spelling error and all

Hope your Wednesday has been glorious!
xo Shannon

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How lovely! I love to read your comments and I'll be sure to return the favor! I'm glad you're here! xo, S