Tuesday, January 3

The Night it Snowed

I took yesterday off! From blogging, from Fox & Owl, from... everything really. It was GREAT! I love days like that and of course the refreshed feelings and zeal you have when you come back from a mini-vacay.

To top it all off, it snowed last night! We were all kind of skeptical about it actually happening but, it did! Have I mentioned that snow is one of my favorite things? Here is how we spent some time in the snow...

Even though we didn't get much, the last bits were still holding on for dear life in our hemlock trees! 

Now it's time for a warm cup of coffee and some visiting time with my Papa! By the way - I LOVE that you guys enjoyed our Christmas recap and my Dad flipping the camera off! I was kiiind of afraid that it would offend some of you, friends. I was so excited when everyone just laughed. That is literally how we are. All. The. Time.

Happy Tuesday!
xo Shannon


Anna Wiley said...

Aww you and your Mr. are so cute!

Sarah McCay said...

:) so cute. i can do with a little snow. i mean, it's already freeeeezing, so why not add some pretty snowflakes? just for a little while anyway hehe

Gentrileeblog said...

Love it. :) I need to be more positive about the snow...

Paula said...

I wish w had snow but it was super warm on christmas, ugh! no snow this year for germany i guess :(

Apockylypse said...

We got a tiny dusting of snow, but it was gone in no time. My husband isn't a fan of the cold, but I would take winter over summer any day. At least in the winter, there is a need for a lot more snuggling with significant others & puppies.

You guys are such a cute couple! Love the eating snowflakes & the kiss picture. It's just too precious.

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