Sunday, February 13

Repurposed Star DIY

Andrew gave me a really gorgeous star for Christmas. It's one of the paper star lanterns, it's brown and yellow and blue and purple and and... so lovely. I've been looking at these stars for about 4 years, just enjoying them in store fronts. One of those things I wouldn't buy for myself. When I unwrapped it I think I actually squealed. We used it as the star for our treepod, even. That's how much we loved it. 

check them out here

Then, Angus happened. He somehow made the treepod come tumbling down. Breaking our vintage camera that was perched on top and... you guessed it. My beautiful star. I'm not going to lie, friends. I cried. I'm that lame. So I've been thinking about repurposing the star and what would really showcase it's beauty and the lovely colors. A garland seemed fitting. So, here is a little DIY on how to make a garland from a broken sad little star.

Take your wee star and admire it.

Cut the star apart art the seams.

Cut the sections apart. Make sure you cut the middle seam and not your pattern.

Your sections should look like this.

Put your star sections on hemp (yarn or twin would work too) with clothes pins.

Add lights if you wish. The end result is pretty much amazing magic.

There you have it! A super simple and beautiful way to repurpose a paper star! I decided to submit it for Project Restyle also! You can check it out here!

xo Shannon

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